I am a
reader, an avid reader. I read all genres of fiction (Except M&B and vampires. Twilight was an exception partly owing to its
novelty of theme. The only other vampire I know is Count Dracula. He might have
been a handsome bloke but is definitely not cut to be a boyfriend.Defintely not mine.)I read
English fiction by English authors, foreign authors and translations from
foreign languages to English. I read Malayalam books. Well, I grew up reading
novels in Malayala Manorma much to the chagrin of my Amma and Ammoomma. (That
was at an age I should’ve been reading Balarama or Chandamama.) Bengali
translations into Malayalam are my favorites. Apart from communism and fish we
Malayali’s share with the Bengali’s a love for literary works par excellence. I
devoured Sunil Gangopadhyay’s and Asha Purna Devi’s with a passion reserved for
T.Padmanabhan and Madhavi Kutty. Translations from Indian languages to
Malayalam have always been a favorite with me. It was my way of knowing my
country of diversity. I read through them to understand the different cultures
to see the differences, to feel the invisible thread that binds us into one in
spite of these differences. Whilst hoping that the beauty of the words in these
pages have not been lost by translation and regretting my inability to read the
books in the they were written in ;I thank DC books from the bottom of my heart
for publishing these translations.
I have established my right as a reader to comment on books.
totally agree that every book that is published on the face of earth is not
forced upon me. I can use my deliberation to choose the book off the shelf. The
scenario is very similar to that of producers who dish out an apology for a
movie with a take it or leave it attitude. This we call the sad state of Indian
cinema, once renowned for its world class productions and profound story lines.
The new age English fiction by young
Indian authors genre is in a similar state.I am not sorry to say
what I am going to say. As a reader I have some expectations from a book. Honestly
most of the books that come out in this genre have zero literary value, contain
cheap, under the belt, double entendre jokes and is almost always based on the
author’s shattered pathetic life. Portrayed over a protagonist caught between
his dreams and dreams of his family, it may also involve a romantic interest
that goes for a toss somewhere in the middle of the book. And it is not until
the last chapter of the book that it dawns on our poor protagonist that he/she
was not the one and that sometimes one must choose to rebel for one’s life. It
would’ve saved us the book if the protagonist had some sense right in the
proud of them.I have been fortunate to discover some new authors of immense potential. After all I was not going to call the above mentioned rubbish genre as the future of Indian literature.I would’ve wept tears of blood if someone dared to do that. When I am browsing a book store for Indian fiction I expect books are at par with the works of Amitav Ghosh, Anita Desai, Vikram Seth and others. The excerpts from their books have been part of school curriculum in India. It has become a sample of good writing for a child who steps in to the world of English language. That is an honor a new age writer should strive to achieve.
is essentially a difference between a journal and a published book. This is
something our publishers have seems to have problems in identifying. But then
somewhere it all boils down to likes on FB, re-tweets on twitter and a whole
lot of marketing gimmicks. All this to sell the first 1000 copies.
I am
not expecting a book to be of Nobel Prize winning standards. Just remember this;
we all have made mistakes in life. We all have had relationships in life that
went tragic. We have all done things we are not proud of. If all of us decide
to publish books about all the above said, would you as a reader want to read
I am
not a published author. I write simple blog posts that may or may not be
interesting. So I might not understand the pains of writing a book and getting
it published. Now that you are taking all the pain, please make sure that your
book does not fall into the category which would sell only its first 1000
copies and never see a reprint. If you are not bothered, glow in your “five-weeks-of-fame”
and risk being tagged as trash in public. And remember your books are not works
of literature or fiction but a category which is might be labelled as new-age
Before someone tells me that it matters only to be published and everything else is a conspiracy let me share another real life example.
Every Onam the stalwarts of magazine
world in Malayalam publishes a two volume digests called Onapatippu. The pages
are filled with short stories, poems, interviews, essays and commentaries. It
is a literary feast more fulfilling than the Onam sadya. This was so until the
late 90’s.In the 2000’s these digests were devoid of stories. I was thoroughly
disappointed. The whole season of Onam suddenly felt a little less fun. Onam
was always about new dress, feast and the Onapathippu filled with stories! Acha,
Amma and me would reminiscence the golden days of Onapathippu.
Acha would say,” Oru otta katha polum
ilya! Kashtam!”
Not even a single story! Sad!
All of
us felt the pinch of the lack of short stories in Malayalam. We read and
re-read the old masters. When I think about it now, I realize it was not the
drought of stories that prevented the publishers from printing stories. It was
the drought of good stories. I am glad that in the meantime the publishers had
not decided to torture the readers with sub-standard stories. It must have occurred
to them that it is not the number of books that you publish that matters. What
matters is the quality of the content. That definitely is food for thought for
publishing houses that publish without discretion.
I am
proud of the Malayalam publishing industry for their staunch conservative views
on publishing. Publish ones worth reading in print. The rest goes where it is deserves
to stay-Trash!
P: S:
This year during Onam season midst of all hospital stays, sorrow and pain ,Amma
remembered to tell me about the Onapathippu.
”Nee kanedetha ee kollathe Mathrubhoomi onapathippu.Assalayitundu!”
You should see this year’s
Mathrubhoomi magazine’s Onapathippu.It is brilliant!
indeed is.Called “Kathayude Katha” or “The story of the story”,it contains
stories published as part of the weekly from 50’s till date.I includes an
interview with the author of the story on the premises of the story.And the
authors tell us how the story came to be,when it was written and what made them
write that story. Some based on people they have met, incidents they had heard
about or some simply from their fertile imagination. It gives us the glimpse of
their lives at that time and in many a case an overview of the state of things
in general in that era.Needless to say a copy rests on my bedside table!
I am an English fiction aficionado and agrre with you to the fullest. I quite like the authors you have talked about, especially Anita Desai. I love Vikram Seth's poetry. Sadly, nothing of note is happening in my mother tongue, Hindi.
ReplyDeleteRecently, i read this poem by Jeet Thayil"
"Listen! Someone’s saying a prayer in Malayalam.
He says there’s no word for ‘despair’ in Malayalam.
Sometimes at daybreak you sing a Gujarati garba.
At night you open your hair in Malayalam...."
I was quite taken by Thayil's Narcopolis. It is an amazing work. I am currently reading his poems.
enjoyed reading this post .very nostalgic..remembering all the old magazines lying at grandmother's place.
ReplyDeleteThanks for writing this ... its pretty heartfelt. Books from young writers line up in book stores and they seem like a clone of the previous just by it's title ... perhaps a techie writing his/her love story. I do wonder when would Indian young writers would produce promising literary work. I am sure there are potential ones who could but somehow it isn't happening sadly.
ReplyDeleteEnjoyed reading this post.
hello i.ll be fortunate if iam provided with madhavikutty malayalam stories translations into english