Monday, January 10, 2011

Another New Year,Another Set of Resolutions..

 This is the time of the year when we make new resolutions over the old ones, and promise ourselves (As always) to keep them as well. Old ones lost some were along Jan and Feb last year. However, are new ones different from old? Except we up over targets(Let’s say the ones like I’ll drop my weight to 50 kg last year to I’ll drop my weight to 55 Kg this year…Or I’ll spend only $100 on books to only $150.All the targets were raised by 50 units.)

Even I made resolutions. Nevertheless, my cheeky little conscience always had something to say. Call it my alter ego, I wish she had been a little more elegant and sophisticated.Okei! Let us settle for civilized may be? It is nice to have conscience, which is the amorphous reflection of an angel in white with wings, and halo in place. Mine has a terrific sense of right and wrong. The impertinent imp had her voices well heard in my head when I listed down my resolutions for this year.

Following is the excerpt from the highlights of the resolution making event.
(Psst Psst.She voices in Italics.)

  1. Health: I will reduce my weight to 55 Kg from.Err..Nevermind.So for this I will go on fruits and vegetables diet every month. Forfeit my cravings for pizza and chocolates and fried food.
55! Gosh.I remember it was 50 last year. This is not getting anywhere. You are going to give up on all junk, are you?. Salman might stop showing off his body altogther, but you will never ever quit on junk. I can give you one to add
1. I will make only realistic targets in life.

  1. Personality Development: I will learn a new language this year. Ahoy! May be I will learn French, Spanish, or German. That is a fantastic one. Realistic too.

Huh! Learn to speak proper Hindi and Malayalam first. One proper descriptive sentence in each language that is all I ask for. I bet you cannot do that.
2. I will understand my culture first before venturing far.

  1. Beauty: I will grow my hair long. I will do a hot oil bath every week. I will do hair spa every two weeks.I will stick to my curls and will not allow any irons near my hair.

Ha!Rapunzel! Tada! My Lady, your hair will grow if only you would not frequent the hair salons to apply scissors instead of oil and crème. Moreover, what was it about oil bath and hair spa? Buhahaha.Please spare me! I cannot laugh anymore.
Appreciable take on hair smoothening/re-bonding. My take:
3. I will brush my hair to untangle my short tresses everyday (Ha! This is better!) or how about I will wake up at 6 so that I can dry my hair before I go to office and hence will not end up looking  like a Pomeranian that fell in to a pool.

  1. Nurturing Skills:  I will learn to play a new musical instrument. It will soothe me and will help me distress. It will fill my life with more music and I will fly in the valleys of ragas.

Check Check. Reality checking. It is not going to soothe anybody .Did you forget how your vocal music teacher squirms in his seat whenever you sing the wrong keys? You give him headaches after each class so that he has to take 15 minutes break after your class to get over the sadma or shock.Okei!don’t make that doleful expression. You are not exactly the, hmmm playback singer material. No more comments. Next.

What next? This is it. I am not saying anything more for you to make a comment.

Thus ended, much prematurely my list of resolutions. I know she is true most of the time. She is my realty check and I know she helps me bring my foot firmly on earth while my mind wanders in Eutopia.

So here’s wishing Happy New Year to All of You!
(Don’t crib about the greetings coming in weeks late; hey! we are still hot with our resolutions and I have even paid my fees for my Veena Classes.And I’m even having Broccolis for dinner.)


  1. You are a good writer, you deserve more comments! Loved reading your resolutions- they were funny, introspective and your conscience in italics was a classic idea.

  2. Whoa..Thanks Purba...You made my (otherwise boring office) day..

  3. I have even paid my fees for my Veena Classes."

    Heh heh heh, this reminds me of the time I paid for three months at the gym upfront. Two days later, I mentally blocked all routes and directions to the place, and never went there again.

    I'm not proud of it.

    Happy New Year, and good luck with your resolutions! :)

  4. Rindo,

    Happy new year to you too..

    I didn't even bother making resolutions about going to gym.

    I really need all the good lucks about point no 1..

  5. Great sense of humour. Do write more in this vein Blue Lotus, I would love to read you more.

  6. Thanks Zephyr..I'll try to make people smile..

  7. you are good at poking fun at yourself -refreshing when everyone goes around being serious !
    A happy new year !!

  8. Well,I love doing that..Thinking of all the things I do,I deserve it..Happy New Year to you too..Thanks for dropping by..
